Board Minutes and Members
On this page you will find the minutes of our Governing Board meetings for the current and previous two months.
Contact the Governing Board leadership team at [email protected].
Contact the Governing Board leadership team at [email protected].
CCC Board Meeting Minutes
for December 19, 2024
for December 19, 2024
In Attendance: Diane Suffridge, Jess Shine, Lisa Bogart, Barbara George, Gail Lester, Caroline McKinnon,
Adelena Rodriguez. Reuben Burke was absent. We met from 4:30-6:00. Rev. Jess offered a meditation.
STANDING BUSINESS: We approved the November 2024 Minutes for regular and executive sessions.
NEW ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION centered around staffing, the recent pledge drive and subsequent 2025 budget preliminary planning.
Rev Jess reported a busy month at CCC. Lots of excitement followed the stewardship campaign, including new pledges and folks re-starting pledges. They are grateful for the shepherding of Barbara George, Patti Mitchell,
and Anne-Maree Cantwell in the preparation of letters and follow up.
Sandra Weil made some editing updates to our website.
Rev. Jess also met with UCC Marin clergy this month and shared ideas about 2025 collaborations for Lent and justice efforts. They’ve begun planning for 2025 themes.
Before the year end, staff will migrate fully to Google drive and offer tutorials for board access to the drive.
This switch to Google includes opportunities for Google grants.
Rev. Jess plans for some much needed rest Jan. 13-27, 2025.
Rev. Jess shared some ideas about staffing ways to increase CCC’s connections with community organizations, especially in Tiburon. The Board voted to approve Rev. Jess’s plan to consider staffing changes.
Treasurer Barbara George went through the PROPOSED 2025 BUDGET.
We have received $104,000 in pledges and expect more to come after follow-up calls. The current draft budget would require taking more than 5% from the CCC endowment and investment funds, which requires a congregational vote. The final budget will be presented for Board vote in January and for congregational vote on February 2.
Website: Goal is to increase engagement with community. Our website is proprietary, therefore, limiting.
Quinne Fokes has offered gratis time to ease others finding CCC and to simplify volunteers managing the site.
This is a one-time cost. CCC would pay only a yearly domain name.
Custodial contract increase: Jose clarified set up and clean up are separate costs.
Proposed revision to contract for set up and break down for special events. The Board Voted yes.
We discussed $900 unspent in Social Justice Action funds. The Board voted to give equal amounts to Marin Center for LGBTQ+ and International Rescue Committee, IRC.
Board changes and acknowledgements: Reuben will step back till June to complete his PhD dissertation.
Diane and Lisa will explore potential people to fill that space.
Diane and Lisa acknowledge the incredible service of Barbara as treasurer for more years than we can count.
Her wise, discerning, steadfast leadership has been truly remarkable. Tomorrow’s newsletter will announce
her stepping back from that role starting January 1. The Board and congregation will honor Barbara on
December 29th.
Upcoming Board meetings: 4th Thursdays 5:00-6:30 pm
January 23, February 27, March 27,
Sunday February 2: Congregational Meeting to approve 2025 Budget
Adelena Rodriguez. Reuben Burke was absent. We met from 4:30-6:00. Rev. Jess offered a meditation.
STANDING BUSINESS: We approved the November 2024 Minutes for regular and executive sessions.
NEW ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION centered around staffing, the recent pledge drive and subsequent 2025 budget preliminary planning.
Rev Jess reported a busy month at CCC. Lots of excitement followed the stewardship campaign, including new pledges and folks re-starting pledges. They are grateful for the shepherding of Barbara George, Patti Mitchell,
and Anne-Maree Cantwell in the preparation of letters and follow up.
Sandra Weil made some editing updates to our website.
Rev. Jess also met with UCC Marin clergy this month and shared ideas about 2025 collaborations for Lent and justice efforts. They’ve begun planning for 2025 themes.
Before the year end, staff will migrate fully to Google drive and offer tutorials for board access to the drive.
This switch to Google includes opportunities for Google grants.
Rev. Jess plans for some much needed rest Jan. 13-27, 2025.
Rev. Jess shared some ideas about staffing ways to increase CCC’s connections with community organizations, especially in Tiburon. The Board voted to approve Rev. Jess’s plan to consider staffing changes.
Treasurer Barbara George went through the PROPOSED 2025 BUDGET.
We have received $104,000 in pledges and expect more to come after follow-up calls. The current draft budget would require taking more than 5% from the CCC endowment and investment funds, which requires a congregational vote. The final budget will be presented for Board vote in January and for congregational vote on February 2.
Website: Goal is to increase engagement with community. Our website is proprietary, therefore, limiting.
Quinne Fokes has offered gratis time to ease others finding CCC and to simplify volunteers managing the site.
This is a one-time cost. CCC would pay only a yearly domain name.
Custodial contract increase: Jose clarified set up and clean up are separate costs.
Proposed revision to contract for set up and break down for special events. The Board Voted yes.
We discussed $900 unspent in Social Justice Action funds. The Board voted to give equal amounts to Marin Center for LGBTQ+ and International Rescue Committee, IRC.
Board changes and acknowledgements: Reuben will step back till June to complete his PhD dissertation.
Diane and Lisa will explore potential people to fill that space.
Diane and Lisa acknowledge the incredible service of Barbara as treasurer for more years than we can count.
Her wise, discerning, steadfast leadership has been truly remarkable. Tomorrow’s newsletter will announce
her stepping back from that role starting January 1. The Board and congregation will honor Barbara on
December 29th.
Upcoming Board meetings: 4th Thursdays 5:00-6:30 pm
January 23, February 27, March 27,
Sunday February 2: Congregational Meeting to approve 2025 Budget
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
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The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.