Board Minutes
On this page you will find the minutes of our monthly Governing Board meetings for the last three months.
Displayed on the page will be the text for the current month,
and at the bottom of the page will be links to pdfs of the minutes from the prior two months.
We are beginning this practice of posting the Board minutes in September, 2024,
so on this page you will find the August minutes only, both in text form and as a pdf at the bottom of the page.
Displayed on the page will be the text for the current month,
and at the bottom of the page will be links to pdfs of the minutes from the prior two months.
We are beginning this practice of posting the Board minutes in September, 2024,
so on this page you will find the August minutes only, both in text form and as a pdf at the bottom of the page.
August 22, 2024
August 22, 2024
In Attendance: Diane Suffridge, Barbara George, Jess Shine, Lisa Bogart, Adelena Rodrigez, Caroline McKinnon
Absent: Reuben Burke
The meeting began at 5:00PM
Rev Jess opened us with a meditation from Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley
Standing Agenda Items
Minutes from July meeting
The minutes for July were approved with a vote.
Minister’s report & Staff reports
• Minister and Staff reports were sent by email.
• The retreat offering on September 7 with Carl Weichel and Rev Lisa Winston is moving forward and beginning to fill up.
• From Rev Jess’ report we discussed CCC hosting a retreat September 21 for the UCC all-church read of Sacred Self Care. Rev Sharon Fennema will lead the retreat day. The approximate cost is $2,500. The Golden Gate Association and Northern CA-Nevada Conference are co-sponsoring the event with $500 each. A motion was made to approve this action with CCC spending $1,500 of the $2,500 required. The motion passed with a vote.
Treasurer’s Report
• Barbara presented the YTD budget report and there were no questions.
• The Hawthorne Preschool lease was revised and presented. A motion was made to accept the lease and to authorize Lisa and Diane to sign the lease. The motion passed with a vote.
New Items for Discussion
• Plans for the monthly Board update to the congregation on the second Sunday were made. Adelena will observe Diane on Sunday, September 8. The minutes will be posted on the website ahead of time.
• HOPE housing Committee support of Prop 5 was discussed. A motion was made for CCC to lend their support with a $500 donation. The motion passed with a vote.
• A proposal for spider remediation was discussed. Due to lack of time the issue was tabled and an electronic vote was planned in the weeks before the next meeting.
• Michael Peters attended the meeting to update the Board on the facilities projects, specifically the need for painting the building. The matter was discussed in detail. Once again a lack of time meant moving the vote on the proposal to an e-vote in the weeks before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10PM
The Board meets on the fourth Thursday of the month.
The next meeting is scheduled for
Thursday September 26th from 5:00 to 6:30PM, this meeting may be in person, the location TBD.
Note: After the Board meeting, three electronic votes were held and passed for the following proposals: 1) A proposal from Michael Peters for exterior painting of the main building. Painting of the seminar room will be scheduled in the spring. The cost of the paint is covered by an anonymous donation. 2) A proposal from Christina Russell for monthly online advertising with The Knot and The Wedding Wire. Christina negotiated a discount of more than 50% and the advertising is on a month-to-month basis which will enable Christina to monitor the results and determine whether to continue after a trial period of 4-6 months. 3) A proposal from Hector Dardon, our landscaper, for spider remediation including an initial treatment and ongoing maintenance twice a month.
Absent: Reuben Burke
The meeting began at 5:00PM
Rev Jess opened us with a meditation from Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley
Standing Agenda Items
Minutes from July meeting
The minutes for July were approved with a vote.
Minister’s report & Staff reports
• Minister and Staff reports were sent by email.
• The retreat offering on September 7 with Carl Weichel and Rev Lisa Winston is moving forward and beginning to fill up.
• From Rev Jess’ report we discussed CCC hosting a retreat September 21 for the UCC all-church read of Sacred Self Care. Rev Sharon Fennema will lead the retreat day. The approximate cost is $2,500. The Golden Gate Association and Northern CA-Nevada Conference are co-sponsoring the event with $500 each. A motion was made to approve this action with CCC spending $1,500 of the $2,500 required. The motion passed with a vote.
Treasurer’s Report
• Barbara presented the YTD budget report and there were no questions.
• The Hawthorne Preschool lease was revised and presented. A motion was made to accept the lease and to authorize Lisa and Diane to sign the lease. The motion passed with a vote.
New Items for Discussion
• Plans for the monthly Board update to the congregation on the second Sunday were made. Adelena will observe Diane on Sunday, September 8. The minutes will be posted on the website ahead of time.
• HOPE housing Committee support of Prop 5 was discussed. A motion was made for CCC to lend their support with a $500 donation. The motion passed with a vote.
• A proposal for spider remediation was discussed. Due to lack of time the issue was tabled and an electronic vote was planned in the weeks before the next meeting.
• Michael Peters attended the meeting to update the Board on the facilities projects, specifically the need for painting the building. The matter was discussed in detail. Once again a lack of time meant moving the vote on the proposal to an e-vote in the weeks before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10PM
The Board meets on the fourth Thursday of the month.
The next meeting is scheduled for
Thursday September 26th from 5:00 to 6:30PM, this meeting may be in person, the location TBD.
Note: After the Board meeting, three electronic votes were held and passed for the following proposals: 1) A proposal from Michael Peters for exterior painting of the main building. Painting of the seminar room will be scheduled in the spring. The cost of the paint is covered by an anonymous donation. 2) A proposal from Christina Russell for monthly online advertising with The Knot and The Wedding Wire. Christina negotiated a discount of more than 50% and the advertising is on a month-to-month basis which will enable Christina to monitor the results and determine whether to continue after a trial period of 4-6 months. 3) A proposal from Hector Dardon, our landscaper, for spider remediation including an initial treatment and ongoing maintenance twice a month.
Click here to view or download a pdf of these minutes.
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon, CA. 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |