Taize Service
The third Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. Join us in the Seminar Room for meditative chants, prayers and silence. |
Wednesdays at noon A weekly 20-minute experience offered by Rev. Jess Shine Click here for the Zoom link. Dial in: 669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 848 1432 5601 |
Writing from the Heart
First and fourth Wednesdays of the month, from 1:30 to 3:30 Find your writing voice. Share your stories,
memories, and inspirations, getting steady positive affirmation for your work and a community to immerse yourself in to deepen your writing, in sessions led by Dr. Peller Marion. Please email Peller Marion for a Zoom invitation. There is no charge for the class. Suggested donation:
$10 in support of The O'Hanlon Center for the Arts. |
Friday Morning Zen Meditation
and Study Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. We gather on Zoom for meditation, sharing and reading together a book with a Buddhist perspective. To receive the Zoom link, please email Lois Karpenko . Your zoom invitation will come from Sonja Gardenschwartz. For more information email Lois or call her at (415) 847-3785. |
Praktikos Meditation
with Tibetan Bells and Deep Silence Tuesday evenings On Zoom at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sittings open with Christian and Universal chanting, followed by the Tibetan singing bowls and 20 minutes of stillness. Contact Richard Pavek for a fuller description and/or to be placed on the list to receive the Zoom link. |
Friday Contemplative Practice
On the first Friday of each month, from noon to 12:45 Barbara Buckley offers a free monthly practice on Zoom that includes guided meditation and other prompts to invite us to greater awareness and connection to our hearts, to the divine and to one another. Barbara’s perspective is sourced by a number of spiritual and religious traditions. She is also guided by her deeply held belief that our bodies and our senses are extraordinary resources that we often have been taught to ignore, especially in our spiritual lives. If you would like to hear about Barbara’s offerings and receive Zoom links, please send her your email address. Click here to email Barbara. |
CCC Circle of Women
First and third Thursdays of the month from 1:00 to 2:30 in the Seminar Room. Our purpose is to support one another and to share in an experience of community. All women are welcome. You may email Patricia Pigman with questions. |
In the Margins
In the Margins will resume during Lent, 2025. Watch this space for details. |
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
Click image for info on UCC
The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.