The Governing Board is the policy-setting body of the church. It consists of seven or eight voting members plus the minister as a non-voting participant. Board meetings are generally held the second Thursday of the month. Board members are elected by the congregation for two-year terms.
Current Board members:
Moderator - Jolyn O'Hare
Treasurer - Barbara George
Secretary - Louise Trudeau
Members at Large - Diane Suffridge, Christopher Love, Kat Crawford, Lisa Bogart
Board meetings are open to all and it’s helpful to give advance notice to one of the co-moderators if you wish to speak to a particular issue. Participation in this group is a wonderful way to practice right relationship while dealing with important and sometimes challenging issues facing our community.
You may download and/or read the CCC By-laws by clicking here.
Current Board members:
Moderator - Jolyn O'Hare
Treasurer - Barbara George
Secretary - Louise Trudeau
Members at Large - Diane Suffridge, Christopher Love, Kat Crawford, Lisa Bogart
Board meetings are open to all and it’s helpful to give advance notice to one of the co-moderators if you wish to speak to a particular issue. Participation in this group is a wonderful way to practice right relationship while dealing with important and sometimes challenging issues facing our community.
You may download and/or read the CCC By-laws by clicking here.
In-person Board meetings are cancelled during the order to shelter in place.
Watch this space for the date of the next Board meeting.
Watch this space for the date of the next Board meeting.
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
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The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.