Past Events
New Year's Day Hike, 2025
Top of Mt. Tam
Top of Mt. Tam
Christmas Concert
December 15, 2024
December 15, 2024
The angelic voices of Deshna Shine and Kaila Ubeda with Rev. Jess Shine on guitar.
November 24th, 2024
Combined Worship Service
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving
folks from both services came together to share gratitudes
and join hands in a spirited closing circle.
Combined Worship Service
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving
folks from both services came together to share gratitudes
and join hands in a spirited closing circle.
video courtesy of Deshna Shine
Alcatraz Tour
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Seven foks, several of whom had never been to Alcatraz before (despite living in the Bay Area for decades)
boarded the boat to Alcatraz ~ now a national park ~and toured the former prison there
with the help of headsets and a well-done, eye-opening audio tour.
After several hours on Alcatraz, the group went for lunch near Pier 33
and continued to enjoy sharing time together.
Thanks to Frank Valone for organizing the adventure.
boarded the boat to Alcatraz ~ now a national park ~and toured the former prison there
with the help of headsets and a well-done, eye-opening audio tour.
After several hours on Alcatraz, the group went for lunch near Pier 33
and continued to enjoy sharing time together.
Thanks to Frank Valone for organizing the adventure.
Beauty-as-Medicine Workshop
September 7th, 2024
September 7th, 2024
Twenty-two folks, eight CCC members and fourteen from the Bay Area community,
attended Rev. Lisa Winston's Beauty-as-Medicine workshop Saturday Sept 7.
The morning started with blue skies, the perfect layer of fog covering the scenic cityscape,
and three deer on the lawn greeting attendees.
attended Rev. Lisa Winston's Beauty-as-Medicine workshop Saturday Sept 7.
The morning started with blue skies, the perfect layer of fog covering the scenic cityscape,
and three deer on the lawn greeting attendees.
Rev. Lisa's mix of visual meditation, "awe walk," and poetry prompts
brought deep and meaningful sharing to the surface for many in the circle.
Judging by the gratitude expressed through words, hugs and smiles on everyone's faces,
Rev. Lisa declared the workshop a success.
brought deep and meaningful sharing to the surface for many in the circle.
Judging by the gratitude expressed through words, hugs and smiles on everyone's faces,
Rev. Lisa declared the workshop a success.
Ferry Trip to the Ballpark
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Frank, the organizer, reported:
"It was a pretty good game ... the Giants lost.
But it was a glorious day at the park.
Weather was perfect. Boat ride was great."
"It was a pretty good game ... the Giants lost.
But it was a glorious day at the park.
Weather was perfect. Boat ride was great."
SMART train ride to Petaluma for lunch
Thursday, June 27th, 2024
Thursday, June 27th, 2024
An adventurous group boarded the SMART train in Larkspur and San Rafael
for a smooth and beautiful trip to Petaluma where we had lunch at the River Front Cafe.
The weather was gorgeous, the company stellar,
and as seniors, we rode for free!
A great way to start our summer fun together.
for a smooth and beautiful trip to Petaluma where we had lunch at the River Front Cafe.
The weather was gorgeous, the company stellar,
and as seniors, we rode for free!
A great way to start our summer fun together.
Community Hike
Abbott's Lagoon
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
The walk to the lagoon and on to the ocean included quail sightings
and a spectacular wild flower display.
Thanks as always to Frank for leading us on these wonderful forays into nature.
Abbott's Lagoon
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
The walk to the lagoon and on to the ocean included quail sightings
and a spectacular wild flower display.
Thanks as always to Frank for leading us on these wonderful forays into nature.
Spring Work Party
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Project manager Michael Peters selected 24 separate projects,
and the volunteer workers completed 20 of them!
Another work party may be scheduled for the fall.
What a wonderful way to be part of community.
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Project manager Michael Peters selected 24 separate projects,
and the volunteer workers completed 20 of them!
Another work party may be scheduled for the fall.
What a wonderful way to be part of community.
Community Waterfall Hike and Pot Luck
April 2, 2024
A dozen CCC friends walked the short distance from Frank and Lois's house in Mill Valley
to beautiful Cascade Waterfall.
Afterwards they shared a potluck lunch back at the house.
A beautiful time under the redwoods.
April 2, 2024
A dozen CCC friends walked the short distance from Frank and Lois's house in Mill Valley
to beautiful Cascade Waterfall.
Afterwards they shared a potluck lunch back at the house.
A beautiful time under the redwoods.
Easter Sunday, 2024
photos courtesy of Josh Arsenault
The Rock Hill Quintet raised the roof as usual. Joy!
New Years Day Hike
Lots of people were hiking on Mt. Tam on this gorgeous first day of the year,
so we drove to Rock Springs parking lot from Pan Toll,
where we found room for our cars.
Lots of people were hiking on Mt. Tam on this gorgeous first day of the year,
so we drove to Rock Springs parking lot from Pan Toll,
where we found room for our cars.
Happy hikers.
Happy New Year!
(photo thanks to a friendly passerby)
Happy New Year!
(photo thanks to a friendly passerby)
Christmas Eve Worship
Sunday, December 24th
We heard "lessons" and sang carols together ~ a joy-filled evening.
Sunday, December 24th
We heard "lessons" and sang carols together ~ a joy-filled evening.
Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk
Thursday, December 21st
Thursday, December 21st
Approximately 60 people joined us on our indoor labyrinth for a favorite annual event.
There was candlelight, live harp music, a fire in the fireplace, hot cider and seasonal treats.
At the stroke of equinox (7:29 p.m.), Diana rang a bell and we paused to celebrate the return of the light.
There was candlelight, live harp music, a fire in the fireplace, hot cider and seasonal treats.
At the stroke of equinox (7:29 p.m.), Diana rang a bell and we paused to celebrate the return of the light.
Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 17th
Sunday, December 17th
Full house, full hearts, tables full of treats, hot cider, carols around the piano.
Once again this year, our musical director Scott DeTurk brought together
students from Marin School of the Arts, our own CCC Choir
and Singers Marin for a fabulous concert.
Here is a video of the entire concert, created by Garrett Burdick, the dad of one of the young singers.
Big thanks to Garrett for this very professional video.
Donations collected at the concert went to further missions of peace in the Palestine/Israel conflict
(through Global Ministries partners)
and locally through the work of Community Congregational church.
To learn more about how you can support peace efforts click here or here.
(through Global Ministries partners)
and locally through the work of Community Congregational church.
To learn more about how you can support peace efforts click here or here.
Food Truck Celebration
Sunday, September 24th
Sunday, September 24th
On the last day of Ann and Bill Eichhorn's co-bridge ministry,
a larger than usual crowd gathered at the food trucks to celebrate them.
We are so grateful for the year they served as pastors
while our search committee did their work to bring Rev. Jess to us.
a larger than usual crowd gathered at the food trucks to celebrate them.
We are so grateful for the year they served as pastors
while our search committee did their work to bring Rev. Jess to us.
Such fun.
Food Truck Gathering
Sunday, July 30th
Folks gathered a second time for lunch
at the food trucks in Marin Mart.
A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, July 30th
Folks gathered a second time for lunch
at the food trucks in Marin Mart.
A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Video courtesy of Tina Kelly Green
a free concert, by donation
July 9, 2023
a free concert, by donation
July 9, 2023
Having been bombarded by so much negativity in the political arena in regard to the LBGTQ+ community,
we wanted to do something to help. Scott DeTurk, our gifted music director (with whom the idea for this concert originated) responded by bringing together a group of young singers who have sung for us during worship over the past several months, and a terrific band who volunteered their time to create one of the best concerts many of us have experienced ever!
Donations went to the Spahr Center, TransHeartLine and CCC's music program.
It was a beautiful night.
You may click here to watch the video of the entire concert.
If the video doesn't start right at the beginning, just drag the progress bar all the way to the left.
we wanted to do something to help. Scott DeTurk, our gifted music director (with whom the idea for this concert originated) responded by bringing together a group of young singers who have sung for us during worship over the past several months, and a terrific band who volunteered their time to create one of the best concerts many of us have experienced ever!
Donations went to the Spahr Center, TransHeartLine and CCC's music program.
It was a beautiful night.
You may click here to watch the video of the entire concert.
If the video doesn't start right at the beginning, just drag the progress bar all the way to the left.
The ensemble. We heard from each singer; all fantastic.
Honoring Scott DeTurk at the keyboard. The maestro of it all. A well-earned bow.
Applause, applause.
Food Truck Fun
Sunday, May 7th
Folks gathered at 12:30 to visit the food trucks at Marin Country Mart.
Good food; good company.
Sunday, May 7th
Folks gathered at 12:30 to visit the food trucks at Marin Country Mart.
Good food; good company.
Wildflower Hike
Wednesday, April 19th
We had a glorious hike out to Chimney Rock
and along the way saw a huge variety of wildflowers ...
Wednesday, April 19th
We had a glorious hike out to Chimney Rock
and along the way saw a huge variety of wildflowers ...
... and seals hauled up on a tiny beach!
Maundy Thursday Soup Supper
Easter Sunday
Hike to Cataract Falls
Monday, February 20th
Frank Valone led what has become the annual trek to Cataract Falls.
It was a beautiful day, the company was stellar,
and after the hike the entire group went to a local restaurant for libations and conversation.
Monday, February 20th
Frank Valone led what has become the annual trek to Cataract Falls.
It was a beautiful day, the company was stellar,
and after the hike the entire group went to a local restaurant for libations and conversation.
CCC Annual Bird Walk
Saturday, February 18th
Saturday, February 18th
A dozen or so folks joined Richard Flout and Dave Long and their birdwatching 'scopes
for the annual CCC bird walk.
One of the birds sighted was a great horned owl ~ not this one, but one a lot like it:
for the annual CCC bird walk.
One of the birds sighted was a great horned owl ~ not this one, but one a lot like it:
Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk
Wednesday, December 21st
Wednesday, December 21st
Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 18th
The Christmas Concert in our festive sanctuary was a wonderous and joy-filled time,
with the CCC choir and Singers Marin singing both familiar and new songs.
Scott DeTurk brought four young people who sang with great enthusiasm and joy.
And of course there was our wonderful ukulele band.
We took up a collection that will go to Mulberry, an international aid organization that provides food,
clothing, and medical supplies to the people of Ukraine. The offering totaled over $900.
Sunday, December 18th
The Christmas Concert in our festive sanctuary was a wonderous and joy-filled time,
with the CCC choir and Singers Marin singing both familiar and new songs.
Scott DeTurk brought four young people who sang with great enthusiasm and joy.
And of course there was our wonderful ukulele band.
We took up a collection that will go to Mulberry, an international aid organization that provides food,
clothing, and medical supplies to the people of Ukraine. The offering totaled over $900.
Women's Retreat
"Retreat Into Deeper Wisdom" Saturday, October 15th Fifty-seven women signed up for the retreat, held at CCC, and almost all of them showed up! The day was filled with activities to nurture body, soul and spirit. We laughed, did crafts, ate, walked the labyrinth, shared ... and we danced. |
Thanks to all who helped make this the most welcoming women's retreat ever.
Annual Russian River Canoe Trip
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
A small but enthusiastic group boarded inflatable canoes for a leisurely float down the river, stopping along the way to wade, swim and have lunch on the river bank. Thanks as always to Frank for organizing the trip and encouraging folks to come along.
photo credits: Marlene Vasilieff
Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
On a VERY warm solstice evening, we gathered on our outdoor labyrinth to honor love and light and to enjoy each other's company. Doug Cook sang in the sacred directions, and folks walked the labyrinth while Doug continued to play and sing softly from the sidelines. We enjoyed fresh fruit and a special cake honoring Rev. David and Tripp's wedding anninversary. It was a beautiful way to welcome summer.
Hike and picnic on Mt. Tam
May 13th, 2022
A small but mighty group met at Bootjack Camp at 10:00 a.m., and Frank led us on a hike to a spot from which we looked across the water to Ocean Beach ~ a spectacular view! Then we hiked back to our picnic table at Bootjack where we enjoyed what several hikers deemed a "gourmet feast." There was not a breath of wind on the mountain; a quintessential late spring day.
May 13th, 2022
A small but mighty group met at Bootjack Camp at 10:00 a.m., and Frank led us on a hike to a spot from which we looked across the water to Ocean Beach ~ a spectacular view! Then we hiked back to our picnic table at Bootjack where we enjoyed what several hikers deemed a "gourmet feast." There was not a breath of wind on the mountain; a quintessential late spring day.
Hike to Carson Falls
March 12th, 2022
There wasn't a lot of water in the falls, but the hikers nonetheless enjoyed their time together along the trail, and the after party at a "watering hole" in Fairfax. Thanks as always to Frank for bringing us together.
March 12th, 2022
There wasn't a lot of water in the falls, but the hikers nonetheless enjoyed their time together along the trail, and the after party at a "watering hole" in Fairfax. Thanks as always to Frank for bringing us together.
Waterfall Hike to Laurel Dell
February 12th, 2022
On an exquisitly beautiful Saturday morning, thirteen people and two dogs hiked to Laurel Dell picnic area above Cataract Falls where we ate our lunches before returning to our cars and then gathering for drinks and more companionship at Floodwater restaurant in Mill Valley. As always, we were grateful to our fearless leader Frank who organized and led us on our adventure.
February 12th, 2022
On an exquisitly beautiful Saturday morning, thirteen people and two dogs hiked to Laurel Dell picnic area above Cataract Falls where we ate our lunches before returning to our cars and then gathering for drinks and more companionship at Floodwater restaurant in Mill Valley. As always, we were grateful to our fearless leader Frank who organized and led us on our adventure.
Winter Solstice Video
This video was offered in lieu of our annual winter solstice labyrinth walk. It is a "virtual" labyrinth walk, accompanied by word and music, and can be enjoyed any time.
This video was offered in lieu of our annual winter solstice labyrinth walk. It is a "virtual" labyrinth walk, accompanied by word and music, and can be enjoyed any time.
Hike to Rifle Camp on Mt. Tam
Saturday, June 12th, 2021
Saturday, June 12th, 2021
We hiked the beautiful Benstein Trail to Potrero Meadow and Rifle Camp, where we stopped for lunch. The weather could not have been more beautiful ~ warm sunshine without a breath of wind. Afterwards we went for beer and pizza and continued to bask in the pleasure of each other's company.
Dinners for 8
Friday, June 11, 2021
Friday, June 11, 2021
A favorite longtime tradition returned Friday evening as four groups of folks gathered in members' homes to share a potluck dinner and the opportunity to get to know each other better. All reports indicate that the quality of the food ~ especially the desserts ~ was exceptional. Thanks to the hosts and the organizers.
Hike to Abbott's Lagoon
Saturday, May 15th, 2021
Saturday, May 15th, 2021
We trekked the mile and a half to Abbot's Lagoon and the ocean. A record twenty-two of us joined the hike. Vladimir's restaurant hosted us afterwards for drinks, homemade bread, apple strudel and saurkraut soup. Thanks as always to Frank for being our intrepid leader and organizer.
Waterfall Hike
Saturday, May 1st, 2021
Saturday, May 1st, 2021
Another wonderful hike with our CCC friends ~ this time to Carson Falls above Fairfax, followed by a happy time at a local brew pub. We are grateful to our good shepherd Frank for organizing us, and also for carrying the little dog Kindy all the way back to the cars, as he (the dog) was just too pooped to walk back. It is so good to be able to be together again after a year of isolation. We are feeling very blessed.
Waterfall Hike
Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 Over a dozen CCCers who hadn't seen each other in person for over a year gathered on Mt. Tam for what our annual waterfall hike to Cataract Falls. Kudos to our intrepid leader Frank Valone for shepherding us into our first group activity since the start of the pandemic. Thanks to herd immunity (all but one person in the group was fully vaccinated), we were able to hug each other and after the hike to share drinks together in a local restaurant. We look forward to our next hike on May 1st (details coming soon). |
Christmas Eve Video, 2020
December 21, 2020
Winter Solstice at CCC
a video meditation
Winter Solstice at CCC
a video meditation
CCC's Leadership Recognized
December 21, 2020 CCC is one of five faith communities that was recently recognized by California Interfaith Power and Light for their leadership in the installation of solar power in 2020. During this challenging year, CIPL felt it was particularly important to dedicate our projects together and to affirm that we've taken bold climate action, committed to the future of our planet. They noted that we are affirming our faith that one day we'll be back together in person. |
CCC Gets Out the Vote!
On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, CCC held a screening and discussion of the 2020 film Suppressed: The Fight to Vote. This is a highly-impactful documentary related to voter suppression in the 2016 election. You can view the film here. Sign up here for our email list and receive the link for more information and other actions. |
Waterfall Hike
February 29th, 2020
Fifteen folks trekked through the woods on the slopes of Mt. Tam and feasted afterwards at the Mountain Home.
February 29th, 2020
Fifteen folks trekked through the woods on the slopes of Mt. Tam and feasted afterwards at the Mountain Home.
Savoring the sights, sounds and smells of the forest.
Trip trapping over one of the many little bridges along the trail and loving the sound of the water flowing beneath.
An Evening with John Philip Newell
Friday, February 21st, 2020 Our own Rev. David Gregory sat down with well-known teacher and author John Philip Newell for a wonderful, wisdom-filled evening of shared conversation. Over 100 people attended and did not go away disappointed (homemade desserts sweetened the deal). John Philip has written many wonderful books. You can find them here should you wish to explore further what this important teacher has to share. |
Annual Bird Walk
Saturday, February 1st, 2020 A small but mighty group of birders and would-be birders walked the trail at Hamilton in search of feather friends. What a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning! |
Hike to Cataract Falls
January 25th, 2020
Ten hikers met at Rock Spring parking lot for the walk to Laurel Dell picnic area and Cataract Falls, just below Laurel Dell. After eating our lunches at the picnic table, we hiked back to the parking lot, then headed to downtown Mill Valley where we enjoyed libations and more good times.
January 25th, 2020
Ten hikers met at Rock Spring parking lot for the walk to Laurel Dell picnic area and Cataract Falls, just below Laurel Dell. After eating our lunches at the picnic table, we hiked back to the parking lot, then headed to downtown Mill Valley where we enjoyed libations and more good times.
Christmas Eve Service, 2019
The telling of the Christmas story never gets old. Tonight we heard the story once again, sang favorite carols, shared the light as we sang "Silent Night," and were blessed by the music of violin and piano which took us into celestial spheres where we felt the joy of Christmas and the blessing of being together.
The telling of the Christmas story never gets old. Tonight we heard the story once again, sang favorite carols, shared the light as we sang "Silent Night," and were blessed by the music of violin and piano which took us into celestial spheres where we felt the joy of Christmas and the blessing of being together.
Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk
December 20, 2019
All evening people came and went, walked the labyrinth to Diana Stork's diviniely beautiful harp music, sipped hot cider, ate apricots dipped in chocolate and other solstice treats, and drank in the beauty of this favorite CCC event.
December 20, 2019
All evening people came and went, walked the labyrinth to Diana Stork's diviniely beautiful harp music, sipped hot cider, ate apricots dipped in chocolate and other solstice treats, and drank in the beauty of this favorite CCC event.
Christmas Concert
December 15th, 2019
December 15th, 2019
Singers sang, ukuleles twanged, bells rang. After the last heavenly chord of "O Holy Night" had rung out over the audience, guests enjoyed holiday treats, then gathered 'round the piano for carols. We departed after the final verse of"Silent Night," our hearts full of love and joy. What a night!
Thanksgiving Feast!
Sunday, November 24th, 2019
Turkey and all the trimmings ... and a huge variety of desserts. Everyone was well-fed and had a wonderful time greeting old and new friends at our annual pre-Thanksgiving feast following our one service at 10:00.
Sunday, November 24th, 2019
Turkey and all the trimmings ... and a huge variety of desserts. Everyone was well-fed and had a wonderful time greeting old and new friends at our annual pre-Thanksgiving feast following our one service at 10:00.
CCC Men’s Retreat
Oct. 18-20, 2019
at River’s Bend Retreat Center
The theme of the retreat was "No history; no you! Know your history; know yourself." It was led by Rev. Dan Hatch, who declared the retreat to be "incredibly successful, as [he] facilitated by letting the Spirit be the facilitator." The focus was on self reflection, as the participants focused how Spirit was working within them. Dan observed that "the spiritual energy generated by the process was increasingly palatable after each session." The group had beautiful fall weather for their annual gathering.
Oct. 18-20, 2019
at River’s Bend Retreat Center
The theme of the retreat was "No history; no you! Know your history; know yourself." It was led by Rev. Dan Hatch, who declared the retreat to be "incredibly successful, as [he] facilitated by letting the Spirit be the facilitator." The focus was on self reflection, as the participants focused how Spirit was working within them. Dan observed that "the spiritual energy generated by the process was increasingly palatable after each session." The group had beautiful fall weather for their annual gathering.
Community Cafe Luncheon
Tuesday, October 15th There was an excellenet turnout for today's luncheon (spinach and strawberry salad, turkey meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli, and apple crisp), which was followed by a presentation from Marin therapist Jacob Brown. Jacob spoke on "Navigating the 3 M's of Aging: Meaning, Mourning, and Memory Loss," and he covered a lot of ground with his talk. No doubt there we'll be having more conversations about the challenges and blessings of aging. |
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 6, 2019 In the spirit of St. Francis and his love for all creation, Rev. David blessed our furry friends, on one of the most beautiful autumn afternoon we could have wished for. A good time was had by all, as the doggies munched on dog biscuits and the humans savored cake and other treats. Said Rev. David: "We celebrate unconditional love from our pets by returning our blessings to them." |
Autumnal Equinox Celebration on the Labyrinth
Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 A group of about 25 folks gathered on the labyrinth at 4:30 to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox. Beautiful fall light blessed us as we shared gratitudes, sang chants, and called in the sacred directions. After the celebration we walked up to the lawn for a picnic while a drumming circle formed in the Seminar Room. It was a lovely evening and a wonderful way to welcome autumn. |
CCC Family Retreat
August 31st - September 2nd, 2019 River's Bend Retreat Center in Philo, CA A wonderful retreat attended by about 50 people, including members, family and friends. The food as always was fresh and delicious, the communion among us deep and sweet, and we were blessed by the presence of lots of kids. Oh, and the s'mores were the best ever. |
Annual CCC Russian River Canoe Trip
Saturday, July 27th, 2019 This year we did the 4-mile half-day trip which is on the upper part of the river near the Healdsburg dam where the water flows best. There was plenty of time for socializing and swimming, and we stopped twice for casual back floats in our life jackets. Heavenly! The weather was very warm, and being on the river was the perfect way to cool off. Of course our happy hour at the Bear Republic Brewery afterwards was well worth paddling for. |
Yvette Lawrence in “Fools Who Dream”
June 23rd, 2019 Over 120 people attended an evening celebrating the music of Broadway, featuring Tripp Hanson, students of Academy DeTurk and Marin School of the Arts, with musical stylings of Scott DeTurk, Paul Eastburn, and Tommy Kesecker. Testimonial from one audience member: She was magnificent ~ a unique, powerful sensitive, humorous, classic voice. The students, the musicians and Tripp were a total delight. |
Village Workday
May 25th, 2019
"Thank you everyone. Great work day, excellent company, spectacular food!"
"Incredible dedicated effort by everyone to keep CCC being the outstanding place to be.
A huge thank you for your work. 🙏🏾🥰"
~ Barb Killey & Sylvia Victor ~ Sacred Space team leaders
May 25th, 2019
"Thank you everyone. Great work day, excellent company, spectacular food!"
"Incredible dedicated effort by everyone to keep CCC being the outstanding place to be.
A huge thank you for your work. 🙏🏾🥰"
~ Barb Killey & Sylvia Victor ~ Sacred Space team leaders
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
Click image for info on UCC
The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.