The Healing Circle has been meeting in the Seminar Room every Monday at 1:15 for forty-one years! During our time together, we offer healing prayers for those who have requested them. Most of the requests are made during our Sunday services, where they are written down and brought to the healing group on Monday. The first 20 minutes of our meeting are spent in silence, while we invite and experience the presence of healing angels. Each name on our list is read, and we send love and healing to each person, ring the bell, and an angel takes the assignment. We are blessed! After prayers, we have a brief discussion, enjoy chocolate together (!), and end our circle at 2:45 or before.
You are cordially invited to be a primary healee, or a proxy for someone else. The in-person healee receives the most healing attention, so do yourself a favor and just show up! Participating in the Healing Circle is contemplative and a good place to unwind while doing the prayerful work of CCC. Prayers help us to own our spiritual power. This is a wonderful way to enhance your day and benefit those who need our prayers.
You are cordially invited to be a primary healee, or a proxy for someone else. The in-person healee receives the most healing attention, so do yourself a favor and just show up! Participating in the Healing Circle is contemplative and a good place to unwind while doing the prayerful work of CCC. Prayers help us to own our spiritual power. This is a wonderful way to enhance your day and benefit those who need our prayers.
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer and/or would like to know more about our healing circle, you may
email Melody Palmer or Joanne in the church office: You may also call the office at 415-435-9108.
email Melody Palmer or Joanne in the church office: You may also call the office at 415-435-9108.
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
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The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.