Social Justice Action Team
A Video to Lift our Spirits
Click here to watch.
Click here to watch.
CCC has a tradition of involvement in our community. Through our Outreach programs, we put our faith into action.
We engage with and provide financial support to the agencies and projects listed here.
Mill Street – On the 2nd Friday morning of each month our church prepares and delivers the evening meal for the Mill Street homeless shelter. Starting at 9:30 a.m., four or five of us get together to chop, talk, sauté, laugh, mix and chat for about two hours. The gratitude of the Mill Street residents will lift your spirit, and it is a great way to make or deepen friendships with other CCC'ers. If you can keep the 2nd Friday morning free (even if just a few times a year), please email Beth Schwebel or Barb Killey.
Mill Street is a 55-bed shelter for single adults who wish to end their homelessness. The staff provides 24/7 support in counseling and job and housing assistance. It is an excellent, successful program. Come and be part of it!
Marin Organizing Committee – promotes involvement of Marin faith communities in the political decision-making process.
Visit their website here.
Holiday Family Support — In December members provide gifts to one or more families who otherwise would not have
a happy holiday.
Marin Interfaith Street Chaplaincy – CCC’s minister serves on the Board and we provide financial support for this ministry
to our most vulnerable people.
Marin Interfaith Council — promotes interfaith dialogue and understanding. To subscribe to the Marin Interfaith Council newsletter, email [email protected] or phone 415-456-6957 or visit their website here.
Hilarita – Three members of CCC serve on the ownership Board of this affordable housing complex in Tiburon.
CCC participates in The United Church of Christ’s special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors In Need)..
Our members are involved in many social and environmental issues and organizations that call to them (e.g. single payer healthcare, Center for Domestic Peace, gender issues) and bring these concerns into the CCC community through
educational programs.
educational programs.
After San Rafael renters received 60-75% rent increases in August of 2018,
CCCers and others seeking social justice joined together to defend against this outrageous act.
CCCers and others seeking social justice joined together to defend against this outrageous act.
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon, CA. 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |