Stone Soup
a down-to-earth spiritual gathering
where too many cooks don't spoil the broth
Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. we meet to mull over last week's and next week's readings with Rev. David. Now, any good cook knows that soups may be hot or cold, and our provocative discussions are the same ~ as our individual passions ebb and wane. Come, bring your stones to throw in the pot. Join Chef David as he ladles out the brew!
Please join us for these nourishing conversations. |
All public gatherings and services are cancelled until further notice.
Watch this space for the date of the next Stone Soup.
Watch this space for the date of the next Stone Soup.
Community Congregational Church 145 Rock Hill Road, Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: 415-435-9108 email: [email protected] |
Click image for info on UCC
The United Church of Christ acknowledges that its buildings and ministries, in all of its settings, are situated on traditional territories of Native, First Nations, American Indian, and Indigenous Peoples. The Northern California-Nevada Conference Office is on traditional Miwok land.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.
Community Congregational Church gathers on Coast Miwok land. We gather as guests.